Little French Key

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New Outlook. New Attitude . New Focus.

To Our Community,

In the process of fulfilling our dreams, we lost our focus and took our eyes off the ball.

We did not do enough in our neighborhood outreach and we did not do enough to meet customer expectations. We let you down when we did not err on the side of caution in navigating local ordinances.

As a result, we’ve been the target of negative publicity, and deservingly so. Worse of all, we failed to live up to the expectation of being an industry leader.

Of course, much of what has been said is rooted in the truth. There has been a lot of untruths as well. We’ve engaged our critics poorly, and we’re prepared to correct how we communicate in the future.

For this and more, we are deeply sorry. And we ask you, the general public, for your forgiveness. We will, of course, be reaching out to specific individuals to make amends and we’ll do what is necessary to rebuild these relationships and restore trust.

Moving forward, we promise to be more transparent with our customers. We will be patient with the various non-profits organizations who contribute to noble endeavors every single week. We will make it a point to involve local authorities and our local leaders as we look for ways to stay in compliance now, and over time.

Lastly, we will adopt new (and long overdue) programs which will benefit our animals, our local environment, and the reef on which we live and work every day.

In short, we will engage both local and international agencies to help us ensure we are a world-class destination.

In that spirit, we’ve deployed a new communications strategy. Our approach will facilitate communication with a wide audience over a variety of communications channels.

We are committed to updating you on a regular basis in the months ahead.

We will not be successful without the support of the local community. And for that reason, we invite you to join our efforts as we rebuild our brand, our key, and our organization.

Consider collaborating and communicating directly with us. We've set up a dedicated channel in the Roatan Community Forum just for you. We hope you'll participate by letting us know where we can improve and what we can do differently in the future. Here is a link to the forum channel we have set up for you:

Thank you again for your continued support.

Little French Key
